African Lips

His lips, big African lips

like his mother carried

water on her head and his father

father wore animal skin.

Like when he was in

his  mothers womb, those lips

gave rise to the rest of him.

His lips are, simultaneously,

all the tears of June 16

and  all the euphoria of April 26.

You see, he thinks I don’t know

but oh I know how much he

hides behind those lips,

behind his gated teeth

that cage his tongue

and I know he wont like

me saying these things

but I have to

because I want him to know

that I know what he

thinks I don’t know because

somehow in my fixer mind

this means I love him,

because for the first time

I don’t want to fix someone.

I just want to lay on his chest

as it hungrily consumes his

heart beat, leaving crumbs of him

all the way to my soul that stores

him in glass and titanium so he’ll

never leave.

In that moment I am reminded

that I am the one who needs

fixing. But also that no matter

how many times my jagged edges

draw blood,

he will always have enough left over

to rap for me,

to help me put on my shoes,

to get mad at me for falling asleep,

to wipe my tears away.


His lips, big African lips

that reverberate with the

beat of a thousand drums

and the silence of a

thousand thousand tree’s.

His lip, dipped in the red river

of the struggles of being black,

his lips pour out the struggle of

being human.

I think pour is the wrong word:

his lips tornado out the struggle

of being human.

And in a gust of lyrical genius

he unknowingly, intricately

reveals to me the struggle of being

a black man, loving a fair skinned


And in a gust of lyrical genius

he gently, lovingly peels back

the layers of me only

stopping so we can breathe,

so he can remind me why he

loves each divergently.


His lips, big African lips

are the perfect contrast

between naive hope and

cynical pessimism.

He thinks I don’t

see the light dancing in his iris’s

which is weird for me:

its the only thing

keeping me from complete darkness.

He thinks I don’t see the

labyrinth of darkness

woven delicately into his pupils

which is weird for me:

every single cell in my body

understands the dark.

This is not to say that

I understand his darkness,

only that I appreciate its

ironic incandescence.

I can lead us both through

the darkness, with the light

from his eyes.


His lips, big African lips

inhale, exhale

regale the tale of a

child, never held, but always loved.

Of a mother strong but rigid.

Of sisters always loving, never loved.

Of an angry black man with

dreams that society refuses to

make room for or understand.

Of a black man who can do anything

but wants to do the one thing he’s

told he can’t do.

Of a black man in the struggle

of consciousness.


His lips, big African lips

that blow metaphorical kisses

at thick women,

that plant literal kisses

on my inner thigh

and I have to sigh:

among all the toxicity

in the lungs of society

he is the perfect dose

of oxygen.




I Hate When Birds are Caged

Although I love

With no expectations

With no trepidation

Or hesitation

I know that

My love

Seems to you

Like a cage.

And you are a bird.

I hate when birds are caged.

Paulo, he described

The way I feel when I’m with you

Better than I could have ever hoped to:

I am the poor man

In someone else’s mansion

While I can not think of

Any place I’d rather be

While I am there

The thought of it ending

Is like a thorn in my foot

A leech

A mosquito buzzing by my ear

A burn on my finger.

I know that everything I have with you

I can only ever truely have in that moment.

But that moment

Oh that most treasured moment

Is like the earth to the universe.

I feel like I am your earth

When you are my universe.


I can’t imagine you more beautiful
Than You are in my memory
Of you by the sea.

Running on the sand
to get to
Being near all that water.
Looking at it
as if it held the secret
to your cherished existence.
As if it made the world make sense.
Breathing in the salty nourishment
that seemed to feed your soul
and calm your every fear.
And laying on at the waters tentative edge
being kissed by it as you kissed my thirsty lips
even more tenderly than the calm sea.

I held your thick hair
in my longing hands.
It was the closest I could get
to holding on to that moment.

The water puts you back together
in ways I can only hope I one day will.
It is everything to you that you are to me.
We both can not have what we want the most, you and I.

Life’s Perfect Web


Life has barbarously turned on me

Spinning, around me, a sadistic Web

That it had shrewdly made me believe

Was one of solace and love and finally significance in another

But one that has now revealed itself:

Indecision,  Confusion, soul-separation.


Misplaced love?

Inevitable heartbreak?

Leeching regret?

He was everything.

I needed to experience every part of his wounded soul.

I hung on to his every word

Hopelessly, knowingly but willingly

Clinging to all the dry bones of empty promises

That he carelessly flung my way.

Yet I can not un-weave my woven heart,

I still see so much good in him.

But another,

A soul so pure in its imperfections,

A better? (Surely)

Loved me silently, reassuringly, selflessly

Nourishing me with care every time that bone

Left me


And yet my ugly, foolish heart



in him

Nothing but friendship

Invaluable it is

But friendship nonetheless.

I am faced with life’s perfect Web.

I wish I could want the one that loves me

The way I want the one who can not decide.

A tightly spun Web it is.

The only thing that brings me comfort

Sadly not much of it

Is knowing that I am just a blip in


One day none of it will matter

And people will live

And never know:

There once was a girl

Travelling the tumultuous journey to womanhood.

All Or Nothing

I believe in true love.

I believe in kisses in the rain, and romantic walks on the beach, and slow dancing, and longhand love letters, and mind – blowing, dream proposals and feeling like everything in your life has lead you to this moment, this person. I believe in all this despite the fact that the experiences in my life have tried everything to turn me into a non – believer… even when my first boyfriend broke up with me over the phone and then got with my best friend…even when the father of my baby was cheating on me with another friend on the day I came home with our new baby…even when I fell for a dumb, handsome – as – hell man who was in a long term relationship with a woman that had given him 2 beautiful children… even when I fell even harder for a guy who decided that it’s was fine to completely ignore me after I wrote him the most honest, meaningful, soul-revealing letter ever.Most of what I’ve been through in life has made me wonder: either I’m really brave or really stupid for believing in a fairytale. But here I am, 19 years old, single, the mother of a gorgeous, craze, free – spirited 2 – year – old and a staunch believer in the magic of true love. And I just refuse to believe that it’s all an illusion.

A friend of the family has been in love with the father of her child for like 20 years now. He treats her like dirt. He is with another woman, but refuses to let her move on (calls her all kinds of horrible names if she even goes on a date) and she clings on to every dry bone of hope that he throws her, never really seeing that she is wasting her precious life on such a self-involved, egotistical, selfish, bullshitting asswipe of a man who will never love her, only use her….because she allows him to. She loves him, or so she thinks…. The way I see it she is afraid, afraid that if she let’s go no one will ever love her, afraid that she Is not good enough, that she is not worthy of a man who will treat her the way she deserves to be treated, afraid that she will be alone (it’s sad because she is more alone with him than she could ever be by herself). Every time I see her my heart breaks, she is beautiful, successful in her career, and a good mother yet she continues to waste herself, her value, her beauty on that imbecile. I just wish I could tell her: you shouldn’t settle for anything less than amazing, you deserve amazing!


Some part of me wants to fall madly and Hopelessly in love while another part just wants to sit at home eating Cashew & Coconut chocolate while balling my eyes out in front of it on TV…because I’m afraid too? Could it be true that every person has a significant other? That true, fairytale, happy ending love exists? Well I’m 19 and I’m single and I’m a mom and I refuse to settle, to accept mediocrity, to be with someone just because I don’t want to be alone. I want all of it or I want nothing. Simple.

As The City Sleeps II

I sit here

Looking at the lights of a sleeping city

The noise of birds,man and man’s makings filling my ears.

I am surrounded by distractions

A few mundane,

But almost all are beautiful.

I am almost able to smile

My mind is almost putting you to rest

With the sleeping city

Except: you will not awake with it

When the morning graces us.

It’s like those before dawn birds

Are inside my mind

Singing me a nostalgic, comforting lullaby.

It’s like that crying woman

Is mourning my premature loss

(Maybe she is mourning his)

It’s like man’s makings, bright street lights

Are in my heart

Illuminating,  with a blinding light,

Painful but

Liberating truths

I am angry at myself for thinking of you

Believing in a fantasy

But I’m at peace with

Finally letting my exhausted mind

Give you rest

With a painless, excruciating injection.

And now that I am done thinking of you

The city can sleep

Knowing, with acceptance,

That you will never think of me

Even if you wanted to.


I wrote you a letter.

Writing it was

A confusing combination of

Relief, pain, and fear.

I poured

The rich waters of my

Broken soul into it

And it took every last drop of blood

From my healing heart.

That letter

It was a written confirmation

Of everything I feel for you.

There were tiny, microscopic

Pieces of me all over it

And yet I can’t make you hold

Onto the pieces of me

That would make all the difference.

It held

Holds still

The very beat of my longing heart

Can I take that back?

No, there is no going back.

I meant every word.

But, despite my proclamation,

You are silent


And that eats away at my insides

More than Writing that letter

Ever could have.

But if I could tell you

How I feel I would say

Don’t worry, be happy

I will be too.



What a confusing word.

To say it is to,

With no guarantees,

Give someone permission

To tear you apart

From the inside out

and then walk away like nothing happened.

It is indeed a confusing word.


It is saying:

‘I am vulnerable to you,

I trust you with all of me.’

Is that wise?

Or just a dangerous lack

Of self – preservation…

To be indulged in only by adrenalin junkies

or the overly brave.

I know I love

But to say it

To confess it

To give you that amount of power

Almost limitless

Is the equivalent of

Vomiting a boulder

That magically appeared inside me.

I want you know of this boulder

Stealing precious space in my body

But it is afraid of daylight.

Beautifully Intertwined

When I look at you

I see blue skies

I see grey skies

Because you are

Equal parts

Serenity and chaos

Beautifully intertwined.

When I look at you

I see still waters

I see a raging sea

Because you are

Equal parts

Violent passivity

A heady mixture.

When I look at you

I see the sun

I see the moon

Because you are

Equal parts

Brilliant light and consuming dark

seamlessly combined.

You are my piece

Of a calm sky

Of a stormy one

You are my piece

Of the still ocean

Of a raging one

You are my piece of the sun

You are my piece of the moon

You are my sun

You are my moon.

And I can not decide

If I was made for you

Or you for me.

To You

Your words

Are tiny delicate flowers.

They grow in the nourishment of your heart

Flourishing in the sunlight it provides

And growing in the abundant space

Making every part of it

Brilliant with colour

And breathtaking life.

Then the petals fall

And all seems lost

But they seep through

The artwork that is your mouth

Only to enter the heart of the listener

Where their love for you

gives those petals renewed and

Eternal life.

And they are beautiful once again.

Your words

They dance out of your lips

Like a constellation of musical notes

That hypnotise without consent

But find no rejection,

only hungry ears.

From the first note

They consume me whole

Their delicacy fierce.

They creep into my heart

Invading all its corners

And expand until my heart reaches bursting point,

And by the time they are done I can feel the tingling in my toes


Is all I hear when your words

Are not spoken.

And the


Is deafening

and the world has no colour

And my heart weeps.

I want you to know that


is all I hear when your words are not spoken

So please speak to me
