I am a part of a soup kitchen, and the mother – in -law of one of our soupies  passed away. We were asked to serve cake and tea after the service. The lady that runs the soup kitchen, asked us to wear our soupie T-shirts. I had thought we would just be making tea and sorting out the cake so with, my purple soupie T-shirt, I wore my ripped jeans. Little did I know we would be attending the service. I felt so incredibly embarrassed in my ripped jeans (that are ripped right up my thighs may I add), that people were looking at me with shock only made it worse.It was horrific.

Talk about funeral blues.

Bad Santa (poem)


Dear Santa I would like to have
hold on let me think…..
o.k got now paper and ink

Angelina Jolie
stinging me like a bee

Tons of cigarettes
to better make bets on the Jets

but the American not the one from the city of Durban

Tons of money
to feel very sunny

so I can give it a big shove

Play Boy Mansion
giving me more sexual expansion

and…..that´s enough
so it shouldn´t be for you all that rough

Stay Frosty gents and gentesses.

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I am stuck

In a strange quicksand.

Waist deep

It pulls me no further but refuses, steadfastly, to let me go.

It is a beautiful pit.

Each grain of sand

Sparkles like a tiny diamond

so that it’s like I’m in

Diamond sludge.

All around me I hear

The swish of the trees

The birds chirping,

A happy early morning conversation.

The flowers that grow here are

Breathtaking in their delicate magnificence.

The sun shines behind silver and pink lined clouds

that I can just about see through these colossal trees.

Could this place be so beautiful?

I can not decide if my heart is deceiving me,

Making my eyes see what it wishes were real.

I am entranced by this beautiful place

But a voice, my own I am almost sure,

Tells me I must fight.

She is right

This diamond sludge can not keep me here indefinitely,

In a promise-less forever

It has to choose:

Swallow me whole or

Spit me out.

I am stuck

in a strange quicksand

Waist deep

It pulls me no further but refuses, steadfastly, to let me go.

I am stuck

In the quicksand that is our
